(With the Flash Guard requiring the perfect timing of a button press this time around, while Flash Move is much harder to pull off than in Celceta) The Skill system has also been slightly tweaked, and while you still attach four skills to different face buttons to use with whatever shoulder button of your choice, the EXTRA SKILL is done by holding both the L and R buttons, which means that you will no longer be activating it on accident like in Memories of Celceta if you happened to remap the face buttons and made the Triangle Button something important. Enemies can still be taken down with basic attacks, party members can be swapped out on a fly with the press of a button, and the Flash Move and Flash Guard effects both return to help slow the enemies down. The biggest improvement comes from an improved lock-on system, which shows you the health bar of an enemy and allows you to properly track immenient threats. Of course, combat is a major aspect of this title as well, with several improvements made over the system from Memories of Celceta. While a lot of parts are sectioned off until later in the game, the Nameless Shore where you start the game contains several optional routes with treasure chests and material spots, and as you gain more skills to enhance exploration along with more residents in the Castaway Village (the main hub of the game) to clear up obstacles, the game ends up feeling a lot like a 3D Metroidvania, with the story remaining linear but the exploration being pushed on you a lot more than in Memories of Celceta.

To start off, after a brief prologue you’re immediately shown the main appeal of the game, with a big area to freely explore at your own will. Ys VIII uses the same party gameplay system from Ys Seven and Ys: Memories of Celceta, but expands upon it tremendously, to the point that going back to Memories of Celceta was incredibly difficult for me after seeing how much this game improved on the mechanics. Still, the English dub is fantastic, and there’s little to worry about when it comes to the original meaning being lost.
However, I couldn’t seem to find any way to change the language in this version of the game, and while I had a Japanese imported copy to compare the dual audio, (Which I hear is for sure an option in the PS4 version) it would be a bit of a bummer if the Vita version could only stick with one audio track due to space limitations. Laxia’s voice in particular feels absolutely perfect for her character, and I do believe that the dub is really strong, even if some of the actors for characters from older games appear to be replaced. This is certainly a soundtrack that you’ll need to buy on a CD, and plugging in headphones if you play this on a Vita is strongly recommended! The voice acting is also really good, with the english cast doing a great job at capturing the feel and tone of the Japanese voice actors.
The epic nature of the series is back, and from the very first area of the Island to the many dungeons, each song is memorable, heavenly and very well composed. When it comes to the soundtrack, Falcom delivers another smash hit, and honestly I’m fairly certain that this is the best Ys Soundtrack in ages after lackluster compositions for Ys Seven and Memories of Celceta. They aren’t too horrible, but some of those textures tend to apply to certain enemies as well, so while the backgrounds and environments look gorgeous, keep in mind that some of the textures won’t looking nearly as pretty. However, some of the terrain in certain locations (most notably dungeon areas) can look awfully jagged at times, and when playing it on a television these low quality textures can be incredibly noticeable. As he searches for survivors from the ship they were on, Adol and his new friends set out to explore this lush paradise and discover all the mysteries surrounding it!ĭespite the fact that Ys VIII was made with the PS4 in mind, Falcom did a great job making the Vita version look as stunning as it can get, with character models that look absolutely perfect up close, environments that look breathtaking, (especially on a television via the PSTV) and fluid animations.

Taking place after the events of the Japan only Ys V, Adol and Dogi end up on the Isle of Seiren after being attacked by a mysterious monster.

Thanks to NIS AMERICA for the review code Title: YS VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana